Class actions typically involve a proposed class of plaintiffs seeking recovery from the same defendant on similar grounds. But that is not the only animal in the class action corral. Rule 23 makes this clear in its very first sentence: One or more members of a class may sue or be sued as representative parties

Scott Burnett Smith
Scott Burnett Smith’s practice covers class actions, complex litigation, and appeals. Scott has been involved in dozens of nationwide class actions in state and federal courts and has handled over 30 class action appeals.
Say What? Ninth Circuit Says Affirmative Defenses Can’t Stop Class Certification Unless Defendant Proves the Merits of the Defense as to Every Single Class Member
Just when you thought litigating Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class actions was as unsafe as it could get for defendants, the Ninth Circuit said, “Not so fast.”
In McKesson v. True Health, two chiropractic practices sought to represent a class of plaintiffs who allegedly received unsolicited faxes containing advertisements in violation of the…
Another Punt: The Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in the Zappos Case
We wrote recently about how the certiorari petition in, Inc. v. Stevens was a possible vehicle to put the question of standing in data breach cases back before the Supreme Court. Alas, the Court denied the certiorari petition on March 25.
Combined with the Supreme Court’s remand in Frank v. Gaos, those wishing…