Federal courts generally agree that when certification of a class action is denied or the case is dismissed, the statute of limitations on the claim asserted on behalf of the would-be class is deemed to have been tolled during the pendency of the class claims for all individual members of the putative class action, at
Competing Class Actions
Reverse Auction Ploy by Competing Class Counsel Creates Right of Intervention by Class Members Whose Settlement Demands Were Underbid
In a case that reveals the darker aspects of what can sometimes be an ugly competition for the class counsel role, the Eleventh Circuit rendered an opinion last week finding that a group of plaintiffs were entitled to intervene in a class action settlement by a rival group of plaintiffs.
In Technology Training Assocs., Inc.
Dealing with Competing Class Actions, Part Three – Anti-Suit Injunctions
By John E. Goodman on
In the final post of this series addressing competing class litigation, we’ll analyze the sparingly used but sometimes viable strategy of seeking an injunction against a competing class action. Under limited circumstances, it may be possible for a defendant to enjoin prosecution of a competing class case. To the extent a federal court is authorized…