Data Breach Class Actions

Yes, But Were You Hurt? Another Data Breach Case Dismissed for Lack of DamagesWhile a war rages on the issue of standing in data breach cases, the need to prove damages is presenting an even greater hurdle for plaintiffs, as we have noted previously. One clear illustration of this trend is Attias v. CareFirst, Inc., a case that involves both standing and damages issues.

Attias arises

Another Punt: The Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in the <i>Zappos</i> CaseWe wrote recently about how the certiorari petition in, Inc. v. Stevens was a possible vehicle to put the question of standing in data breach cases back before the Supreme Court. Alas, the Court denied the certiorari petition on March 25.

Combined with the Supreme Court’s remand in Frank v. Gaos, those wishing

Frank v. Gaos: Remand, but Little Guidance.Today, the Supreme Court sent Frank v. Gaos back to the Ninth Circuit to address the issue of standing under Spokeo.

Frank involved allegations of privacy violations. Plaintiffs brought class action claims against Google for alleged violations of the Stored Communications Act. The complaints alleged that when an Internet user conducted a Google search